Audition Information
The University of Michigan Gilbert & Sullivan Society's production of H.M.S Pinafore will be playing at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater April 3-6, 2025.
An organizational Mass Meeting will be held January 12th from 7:00-8:00 PM in The Henderson Room at the Michigan League. At that meeting, the Artistic Director and Music Director will be introduced and will present their artistic vision to attendees. You will also be able to sign up for an audition slot. Auditions will be held the Monday through Tuesday following the meeting (January 13th and 14th), from 7pm to 10pm at the Student Theater Arts Complex on Kipke Drive. Walk-in Auditions are welcome from 7-9pm each day. Call backs will be held the Wednesday of that week (January 15th). The audition form and conflict sheet are below, please print these and bring them to your audition. They will also be available when you audition if you prefer to fill them out then.
Auditions typically involve singing a song in English and reading a selection from the operetta. There will be no dance audition for this show. The Music Director may offer selections from the show which auditioners may prepare in advance. Those will be listed below.
If you cannot attend the meeting and would like to sign up for a slot, please email umgassexec@umich.edu.
If you cannot audition in person you are welcome to submit a video audition with the following form. The videos will not be watched until the audition week, please still attend the mass meeting if you are able. You will still need to complete the conflict sheet, you can email it to umgassexec@umich.edu. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNf4XPU8kZqIfZpXDGjePcpWJey7FcP9yARc0OvDIoO4ebNg/viewform?pli=1
If you have questions, please email umgassexec@umich.edu.

Optional Audition Selections
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A digital copy of the full score may be found here: