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Tickets for The Sorcerer Coming This Fall!

Act 2 Opening Image from the 1884 Programme


Evening Performance:

Thursday, 4th of April 8PM


Evening Performance:

Friday, 5th of

April 8PM


Matinee Performance:

Saturday, 6th of April 2PM


Livestream Access -

All Shows


Matinee Performance:

Sunday, 7th of April 2PM


Evening Performance:

Saturday, 6th of April 8PM


The fairy Iolanthe has been banished from fairyland for 25 years, because she married a mortal; an act forbidden by fairy law. Her comrades convince the Fairy Queen to lift her punishment. Much rejoicing ensues.

Iolanthe has a son, Strephon, who is an Arcadian shepherd. He wants to marry Phyllis, a Ward of Chancery. Unfortunately, all the members of the House of Peers also want to marry Phyllis. They conspire to take her away from him by showing Phyllis an embrace between mother and son. When Phyllis sees her beloved hugging someone who appears to be a young woman (immortal fairies all appear young), she assumes the worst and sets off a climactic confrontation between the peers and the fairies. 


The second act involves reconciliation between the lovers, and includes much commentary on politics which is still surprisingly relevant today.

(Edited from source material on Wikipedia)

Iolanthe is suitable for all ages.


Synopsis (From Wikipedia)
Act I
The villagers of Ploverleigh are preparing to celebrate the betrothal of Alexis Pointdextre, the son of the local baronet, and the blue-blooded Aline Sangazure ("Ring forth, ye bells"). Only a young village maiden named Constance Partlet seems unwilling to join in the happy mood, and we learn as she tells her mother that she is secretly in love with the local vicar, Dr Daly. The cleric himself promptly soliloquises that he has been unlucky in love. However, despite Mrs. Partlet's best attempts at matchmaking, the middle-aged Dr Daly seems unable to conceive that a young girl like Constance would be interested in him.
Alexis and Aline arrive, and it soon becomes clear that his widower father Sir Marmaduke and her widowed mother Lady Sangazure are concealing long-held feelings for each other. However, social mores demand these feelings remain hidden.

Alexis reveals to his fiancée that he has plans to implement his principle that love should unite all classes and ranks: He has invited a representative from a London firm of sorcerers to Ploverleigh. Aline has misgivings about hiring a real sorcerer. Nevertheless, Alexis instructs Wells to prepare a batch of love potion, sufficient to affect the entire village, except that it must have no effect on married people.

Wells mixes the potion, assisted by sprites, fiends, imps, demons, ghosts and other fearsome magical beings in an incantation. The village gathers for the wedding feast, and the potion is added to a teapot. All of the villagers, save Alexis, Aline and Wells, drink it and fall unconscious.

Act II
The villagers awake and, under the influence of the potion, each falls in love with the first person of the opposite sex that they see. All of the matches thus made are highly and comically unsuitable. However, Alexis is pleased with the results, and now asserts that he and Aline should drink the potion themselves to seal their own love. Aline is hurt by his lack of trust and refuses, offending him. Alexis is distracted by the revelation that his upper-class father has fallen for the lower-class Mrs Partlet; he determines to make the best of this union
Wells, meanwhile, is regretting the results that his magic has caused, and regrets them still more when the fearsome Lady Sangazure fixes on him as the object of her affections. Aline decides to yield to Alexis' persuasion and drinks the potion without telling Alexis. Upon awaking, she inadvertently meets Dr Daly first and falls in love with him. Alexis desperately appeals to Wells as to how the effects of the spell can be reversed. It turns out that this requires that either Alexis or Wells himself yield up his life to Ahrimanes. The people of Ploverleigh rally against the outsider from London and Wells, resignedly, bids farewell and is swallowed up by the underworld in a burst of flames. The spell broken, the villagers pair off according to their true feelings, and celebrate with another feast.

Frequently Asked Questions

​​What COVID-19 precautions are in place?

UMGASS wants to not only put on a beautiful production, but also a safe one. To accomplish that goal, here is what you need to know:


  • Tickets will be general admission with no assigned seating. This way the ushers can seat your party in accordance with social distancing measures. Please arrive at the theatre with ample time to get your desired seat.

  • Masks should be worn at all times while in the building.

  • You may be asked at the door to show results of a responsiblue screening. You can use the app or QR code at the door or fill out the questionaire in advance and bring a printed copy with you


Is there a discount for groups?

Yes! We have a 10% discount for groups of 10 or more. The discount code is "PINAFOREGROUP" and should be entered when you begin your ticket order.


Is handicap-accessible seating available at Mendelssohn Theatre?

Yes! The seats are listed as “Wheelchair Accessible” on the seating chart. They are located in the last row of the main floor of the theater. When you arrive at the theater, ushers will be available to guide you to the handicapped seating.

I still have more questions. Who can I contact for additional help?

If you have questions with the ticket ordering process, we recommend you first contact the Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO). Their phone number is (734) 763-8587 and their email is

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