April 3 - 7 and 11 - 13, 1985
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Artistic Director: Julie Tanguay
Music Director: Timothy Douglas Hoover
Scenic designer: Thomas Martone
Lighting designer: Mary Cole
Technical director: Jim Barnes
Costume designer: Cynthia Lempert
Asst. music director: Linda Youngblood Jones
Choreographer: Tomas Ceniceros Mateo Chavez
Rehearsal Pianists: Larry Garvin, Kelly Lambert, Bob Pazur
Backstage Conductor: Kelly Lambert
Stage Manager: Karen Bublitz
Make-up: Steve Krahnke
Poster Design and Program Cover: Adam Indyk
Photography: Bill Harder, Nancy Worth
Recordings: David Lau, Brookwood Studio
Program: Peter-John Hedlesky, Bill Ling, Patty Teugh, Nancy Koch
Publicity: Glen Cooley
Ticket Chairman: The Lone Ranger
Ticket Office Staff: Scott DeChant, Larry Garvin, Jane McLeod
Official Cottage Inn Waitri: Teraisa and Jimmy
Archivist: Gloria Bennish
Curator of Costumes: Cynthia Dopp
Head Ushers: Wendy Holden, Michael Ward, Tomas Chavez
Master of Mops: Fred Rico
Argh! Scurvy Dog!: Sir Bolivar Kegnastie

Little Buttercup: Linda Milne
Dick Deadeye: Alan Wineman
Bill Bobstay: Frederic Himebaugh
Ralph Rackstraw: David Phelps
Captain Corcoran: John Kelly
Josephine: Trisha Hoffman-Ahrens
The Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Porter, K.C.B: Peter-John Hedlesky
Cousin Hebe: Mary Johantgen
Bob Becket: Kirk Williams
Roland J. Bydlon
Paul Canchester
Scott DeChant
Larry Garvin
Rob Hilton
Phil Hooper
Michael Huntress
Steve Krahnke
John R. Meyer
James Newton
Pat Willerton
Doug Worthington
Sisters, Cousins, and Aunts of Sir Joseph Porter
Lynn Bennett
Barbara Epstein
Pattie Juras
Maureen T. Kirkwood
Nancy Koch
Kelly Ann Lambert
Jane D. McLeod
April Oja
Martha Rubin
Sharon Sussman
Jennifer Swinburnson
Lynn P. Tousey
Margie Warrick