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Oliver! - 1968

July 19, 1968

Trueblood Theatre

Artistic Director: Roger Wertenberger

Music Director: Roger Wertenberger

Choreographer: Patricia Shaffer

Scene Designers & Technical Directors

Donald Heckenlively, James N. Holm

Lighting Designer: David Mohler

Costume Designer: Ann Correll

Technical Director: James N. Holm

Rehearsal Accompanist: Barbara Becker

Assistant to the Directors

Christa Ragatz, Kathleen Wilks

Stage Managers

Michael Allen, Elmo Morales

Make-up Technician

Christa Ragatz

Box Office

Sara Hassinger, Thomas Hulce

House Manager

Michael Harrah

Head Usher

Harry Benford


Thomas Petiet, Patricia Shaffer


The Widow Corney: Janet Stolarevsky

Charley Bates: Kim Reynolds

Cyril: Kenneth Tyra

Wilfrid: Peter Kornbluh

Robin: Robert Kraft

Lionel: Eric Sonquist

Ralph: David Mayotte

Grosvenor: William McKee, Jr.

Rupert: Joshua Greenbaum

Jasper: Gregory Moceri

Alexis: John Wilkins

Ruthven: William Walker

Bunthorne: John Reynolds

Oliver Twist: Thomas Hulce

Mr. Bumble, the Beadle: Howard Travis

Mr. Sowerberry, the Undertaker: John Alexander

Mrs. Sowerberry: Kathleen Loeb

Charlotte, their daughter: Caroline Fleming

Noah Claypole, the mortician's apprentice: David Krimm

Jack Dawkins, The Artful Dodger: Nicholas Jacquez

Fagin, an old retainer: David Hollenback

Nancy: Jane Hassinger

Bet: Sheila Satterfield

Mr. Brownlow, a gentleman: Michael Harrah

Mrs. Bedwin, his housekeeper: Susannah Morris

Bartender in the Three Cripples: John Alexander

Bill Sikes: David Johnson

Dr. Grimwig: Thomas Petiet

The Rose Seller: Allison Fine

The Milkmaid: Patricia Shaffer

The Strawberry Seller: Carolyn Delevitt

The Knife Grinder: David Minikel

The Long Song Seller: Paul Angelino

The Boy with the Books: William McKee, Jr.

Old Sally: Marilyn Gordon

Annie, her companion: Patricia Shaffer

The Night Watchman: Evan Cohen

The Bow Street Runners: Paul Angeline, Erik Hansen

1st Woman: Colby Schneider

2nd Woman: Dale Hower

3rd Woman: Patricia Bearup

4th Woman: Kathleen McKevitt

Zeke: Himself


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