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The Mikado - 1963

November 20 - 23, 1963

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre


This was the ill-fated show that had to be canceled after

only two performances because of Kennedy's assassination


Artistic Director: Gershom Clark Morningstar

Music Director: Wm. Donahue

Technical Director: Fred Shippey

Assistant to the Business Manager: Curtis Blanding

Costumes: Ann Correll (Chairman)

Lighting: Alan Carr (Chairman)

Mailing Lists: Jean Barnard (Chairman)

Make-up: Nancy Wolfe (Chairman)

Props: Salli Kimberly (Chairman)

Programs: Paula Levy (Chairman)

Publicity: Lori Camacho (Chairman)

Set Designers: Gretel Geist, Margaret Geist

Stage Manager: Tom Friedmann

Tickets: Mayno Williams (Chairman)

Michigan Daily; Nov. 23, 1963

Mikado: Sidney Straight

Nanki-Poo: Henry Naasko (WThF) / James Martin (Sat- M, Eve)

Ko-Ko: John Allen

Pooh - Bah: James W. Brown

Pish -Tush: Franklin Spotts

Yum - Yum: Dolores Noeske

Pitti -Sing: Susan Morris (WFSat- M) / Kathleen Kimmel (ThSat- Eve)

Peep-Boa: Diane Magaw

Katisha: Lois Alt (WThSat- M, Eve) / Judy Riecker (F)

Go-To: Don Nelson

Cho-Cho Cum, Shu Nee, Mee No, Mee Tu:

Becky Staton, Andree Garner, Mayno Williams, Paula Levy


Diane Beauchamp, Judy Becker, Mary Bird, Bethia Brehmer, Anna Mae Epley,

Vicki Franks, Barbara Gillanders, Clara Goodrich, Sara Hall,

Sara Hoopengardner, Esther Kauppila, Claudia Kesler, Anne Niitme, Laurel

Otte, Barb Rudendall, Marjorie Schuman, Lisa Snyder, Gretchen Vanden Bout,

Mary Vereen, Joan Westermann, Joan Woertz


Bob Allerton, Paul Anderson, Bob Beauchamp, Curt Blanding, Steve Blanding,

Paul Duemler, Jim Galbraith, Dan Glicken, Bob Grimer, Sami Halaby, Ed

Haroutunian, Jack Hart, Shigeo Kashima, Richard LeSueur, Bob Miller, Al

Neller, Tom Petiet, Charles Sutherland, Fred Webb


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