April 9 - 13 and 16 - 19, 1986
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Artistic Director: Steven Krahnke
Music Director: Francis Cianfrocca & Edward Lundergan
Asst. director/Acting coach: Linda Milne
Set designer: Debra L. Mexicotte
Costume coordinator: Cynthia A. Dopp
Choreographer: Peggy Benson
Lighting designer: William Craven
Technical director: Sara Bettinger
Production stage manager: Karen M. Bublitz
Rehearsal Accompanists: James Frey, Larry Garvin, Rachel Kramer, Michelle
Assistant Choral Director: Betsy Shauer
Assistant to the Choreographer: Judith Kahn
Orchestral Management: Mark Powell and Michelle Stebleton
Master Carpenters: Jim Barnes and Brian Chambers
Poster Design: Johanna T. Wirtz
Publicity: Robert B. Reizner
Uber Usher: Tomas Chavez
Activities: Jane McLeod
Sword Sharperner: Sir Bolivar Kegnastie

Samuel, a pirate butler: Larry Garvin
James, designated swashbuckler: James Newton
Ruth, a pirate maid-of-all-work: Barbara Hilbish
Richard, a pirate king: David Keosaian
Frederic, a pirate apprentice: Jeffrey Willets
Edith: Maureen T. Kirkwood
Kate: Jane D. McLeod
Isabel: Lynn Tousey
Mabel: Jane Schoonmaker-Rodgers
Major-General Stanley: John Alexander
Edward, a police sergeant: Beverley J. Pooley
Mike Baker
Douglas Brown
Roland Bydlon
Glen Cooley
Michael Darger
Scott DeChant
Gregory Kalfas
Jay Kaplan
Timur Kocak
John Meyer
Phillip Rhodes
Doug Worthington
Tom Bean
Scott Jensen
Ralph Katz
Rick Meader
Mark Powell
Reid Rozen
Alan Wineman
Lynn Bennett
Virginia Birchler
Merry Clark
Barb Epstein
Susan Gorman
Kristine Kelley
Nancy Koch
Michelle Laboe
Laura Lehman
Marie Levasseur
Amanda Vandenberg
Ann Marie Veraldi
Rob Hilton
Niel Rishoi